Sunday, December 10, 2006

GOP Progress - 10 Favorite Senators

Liz Mair has compiled a list of her ten favorite senators and the reasons for their places over at GOP Progress. Chuck Hagel makes it in at number three.
Why I like him: It's tough to find anyone more fiscally conservative than Hagel (and the only person who I believe consistently pulls it off is at the top of this list). It's also hard to find any Republican who is as upfront about the spending habits of Republicans on Capitol Hill. Yes, Hagel irritates people a lot, with his criticism of the President over Iraq and foreign policy, generally, but deep in his criticisms, I often find some rare Capitol Hill wisdom. He also has great market-based and market-friendly ideas on how to improve the environment, and actually takes an interest in banking law and policy--a pet concern of mine as an ex-banking lawyer, and something I think too many people on Capitol Hill ignore. Oh--and he voted against the FMA on exactly the right grounds: the 10th Amendment.

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