Thursday, February 01, 2007

Hagel big in the blogosphere in January

Senator Hagel has been a hot topic on blogs recently. He shot up in terms of coverage and that's a great thing for our grassroots efforts. Here are a couple of indicators of that.

The Next Prez looked at the number of blogs mentioning the candidates and rank ordered them. What I find even more impressive is that Chuck Hagel topped most of the candidates that announced they were running this month.
Republicans Posts
John McCain 18,724
Mitt Romney 10,660
Rudy Giuliani 6,197
Chuck Hagel 5,988
Sam Brownback 5,661
Newt Gingrich 4,695
Mike Huckabee 3,516
Ron Paul 2,891
Tom Tancredo 2,837
Duncan Hunter 2,399
George Pataki 1,207
Tommy Thompson 495
Jim Gilmore 479
John Cox 292

The leading site for tracking blogs is Technorati and here's a chart from them of Chuck Hagel in blogs in the last 30 days:

Posts that contain Chuck Hagel per day for the last 30 days.
Technorati Chart
Get your own chart!


Anonymous said...

Wow that's awesome! He's haning neck-n-neck with Guiliani. I think we're going to start seeing Chuck steadily move up the list.......

Anonymous said...

Chuck: Go for it. I an a 61 yr old navy corpsman/usmc vet and I would like to see you run for the pres. Let me know how I can help you.