Friday, February 23, 2007

"Hagel Speech on U.S.-Iran Relations at the University of Nebraska at Kearney’s Conference on World Affairs"

Senator Hagel gave a speech on Iran yesterday that is well worth a read. Reading this speech reminded me why I do this blog: we need Chuck Hagel, with his wisdom and insight in foreign policy, in the White House. Here are some excerpts:
Forces and events in the Middle East cannot be neatly categorized. The swirl of Middle East history creates layers upon layers of complexity. There is little transparency in the Middle East. That is a reality that is inescapable and cannot be assumed away. To ignore this reality is to risk being trapped by false choices....false choices such as the question, “which is worse – Iran with nuclear weapons or war with Iran?”
On Afghanistan, the United States and Iran found common interests – defeating the Taliban and Islamic radicals, stabilizing Afghanistan, stopping the opium production and flow of opium coming into Iran. From these common interests emerged common actions working toward a common purpose. It was in the interests of Iran to work with the U.S. in Afghanistan. It was not a matter of helping America or strengthening America’s presence in Central Asia. It was a clear-eyed and self-serving action for Iran.
Two-thirds of Iran’s population is under the age of 30. Iran is undergoing a generational shift that will shape Iran’s outlook...and its opinions of the United States...for decades to come. Iran’s young people use the internet in large numbers, wear American jeans, listen to American music and are positive about America and the West. We do not want to lose this pro-American generation by turning them away from us. They are the hope of Iran. They bristle under the heavy yoke of the Ayatollahs’ strident limitations of personal freedom.
it was President Reagan who, in 1986, almost reached an agreement with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to abolish nuclear weapons. President Reagan understood the need for America to understand our friends and our explore our identify common interests. President Reagan understood that great powers engage because they are secure in their beliefs and purpose but humble and wise in their policies and actions.
We are living today at an historic transformational time in history. The great challenges of the 21st century will require U.S. leadership that is trusted and respected, not feared nor resented. America cannot project only military power. Inspirational leadership and confidence in America's purpose, not imposed power, will be essential for world peace. If we fail, we will lose the next generation in Iran and around the world. This would result in a far more dangerous world than any we have ever known.
The full text is available on his Senate website.

1 comment:

Alex said...

This is a FANTASTIC speech. Thank you for posting it. It'd be nice to have a President who would attempt to educate Americans with a clear-headed, balance analysis like Hagel does here.

The Republican Party is extremely lucky to have a man like Hagel in their ranks. If they force him out, in favor of guys like Romney, McCain, or Guiliani, they are foolish.

Hagel in 2008! He should wait for the Fall, and then make his late run...