There is a wide assortment of Chuck Hagel 2008 merchandise out there from various places on the web. Buy and display proudly to support Chuck Hagel!
Chuck Hagel 2008 Merch -Hats, shirts, buttons, etc.
Chuck Hagel shirts, bags, stickers, and buttons
An amazing assortment of Chuck Hagel for President items
Vote for Chuck T-Shirt
Bumper Sticker
Chuck Button, 10 pack, 100 pack
Hagel Button, 10 pack, 100 pack
Six different bumper sticker styles, scroll down to find them
Six different mug styles, scroll down to find them
Twelve different t-shirt styles, scroll down to find them
Note: None of these are sold through this site, these links all take you to external sites.
Also don't forget about Chuck Hagel: Moving Forward, the biography about Senator Hagel. There is a link to it at on the right side of this page.
Technorati tags: Chuck Hagel, Election 2008, Merchandise